I would like to introduce you to a sometimes ferocious creature. If you are looking for a happy animal, then stop reading now but if you're after a scary kind of creature keep reading…
Lockeys have ginormous teeth to munch on their marsiretos. When Lockey is fully grown he can be the size of a human in his thirties. He has a tummy as big as an elephant to fit in all the marsbish. When he watches movies he puts on his murf. Murfs are their fur. They keep you as snug as a bug in a rug. His fingers are really long so he can change the channel on his Galextoneon 70,000 inch marsivision. He is heavier than an elephant after eating a packet of marsiretos. He has ears as big as rabbits to hear what's going on on Earth.
They eat chocolate and drink coke. They never eat veggies or fruit. They just watch movies and eat a whole lot of junk!
He can be very naughty and does not listen. Do not trust marstoneons. They party all night. If you ever hear them say, “I am having a quiet night” it probably means they're watching movies all night. They are really messy and have never heard of a shower. That is probably why they stink!
My creature can be very dumb. He is fascinated by pretty much everything that walks and talks. Lockey loves to play with lego and playstation 3. He loves going on cool websites on a computer. My creature wouldn't mind watching TV all day and playing with lego. His favourite thing of all is to party in marstoneone style. You would not think marstoneone parties are fun. They are to them, but not to us. They eat people alive as snacks and for fun!
Extra Fascinating Facts
A Lockey choses how big or small he wants to be each morning and he can be smaller than a pen, or bigger than a person. Lockey can shape shift to anything he chooses. Instead of cars they have speedy spaceships.
I hope you have learnt more about my creepy creature and never have to meet one.